Well a long time has past since my last post, and alot of things have happened to me since then. We traveled to Sicily and saw alot of cool stuff. Ive also seen alot of crappy stuff too, but I'll return to that topic later. More importantly, I shaved my mustache. I kinda got tired of it. I looked like a certifiable creeper, which was my original intent so i really had nothing else to gain by keeping it. Plus, I was getting alot of weird looks from people at coffee shops. So after a long night of carousing around Palermo "con gli amici" I decided to shave it. Thats pretty much all there is to that story.
Anyway back to my trip. I had a great time. It was so relaxing just to sketch and hang out. Its amazing how much better things are without Digidocs or Barry Yatt's class in my life. The trip started off in Naples, which I hated. The buildings were all crappy facist relics, in terrible condition, and most of the public spaces throughout the city were a disaster. The bizzaro pantheon and the train station were the worst... Galleria Umberto, the Opera house and the spanish quarter were nice though.
Sicily on the other hand was much nicer. Palermo was a much cleaner city, minus all the dog poo. It did make for an interesting game trying to dodge it while pulling my suitcase. We also spent more time there so I started to get into the city more than I did in Naples. We found a really incredible family restaurant which we frequented as well as an nice little bar called "Drunks" with very low prices. Our hotel was also very nice.
I liked all the little towns we visited and all the day trips we made. The only bad time i had was was when i lost my sketchbook. I left it at the foot of a Greek temple and realized it when we were at the top of a mountain an hour away. I was tempted to throw myself off the edge onto the jagged rocks below. However, some lady found it and called me and we managed to get back to the temple before everyone left. I also lost my pencil sharpener there too...
Cefalu was a nice little city. Most of the mayor's people seemed to really be interested in our project, especially the guys who gave the presentations on the first day; "Bon Lavoro" However, the studio space was cold and dark and the mayor completely blew us off. Also "Dizzy" is a creeper. Overall it was an interesting experience and I really enjoyed analyzing the city. Hopefully one day i will return.
It is good to be back in Roma and Im not exhausted anymore. It's especially good to cook for myself again. We made incredible Chicken Parmesan last night and tonight Evad and I et some real tasty pork. Anyway I'm going to try and upload some photos of my first project. I hope it works this time and that i don't lose the internet connection ... So long suckers...